Friday, 31 October 2008

Wall Street gives more to Dems


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Palin is a doctor

Palin is actually a very good doctor, because laughter is the best medicine

- Kedar


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Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Dow and the Dems

Since 1900, the Dow Average rose 9.8 percent in the 12 months after the Democratic Party captured the White House, based on the median change following the election of seven Democrats from Woodrow Wilson to Bill Clinton. Only twice did the average decline, after Wilson's victory in 1912 and Jimmy Carter's in 1976.


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Tuesday, 28 October 2008

political pics


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Ugh. No, mom, the market isn’t fixed yet. Yes mom, I’m working on it.

If you all clap, Tinkerbell will live and the market will turn around. You just have to believe!

Jon has begun storing funds from his 401k in his cheeks.


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On Lagarde

WHEN introducing her at a recent event in Washington, DC, the host reminded her audience that Christine Lagarde, France’s finance minister, had once been a member of the French national synchronised-swimming team. Synchronisation, he suggested, was a useful experience in handling the current financial crisis. To which Ms Lagarde added, without missing a beat: “You also have to hold your breath.”

- economist


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Monday, 27 October 2008


Two or three weeks ago, trading in Volkswagen shares turned violent on the German Borse as hedge funds, who'd grown accustomed to selling VW short
against any number of unusual "cross positions," found themselves running for cover as Porsche was rumoured to be making a play for the company. VW shares, trading quietly at or near EUR 200 for weeks, were rising quietly toward EUR 300, when they even more suddenly skyrocketed to EUR 450 in the course of one trading day, catching everyone offsides. Porsche, owning a huge options position in VW, made off handsomely.

Porsche made more money last year from its "options dealing" than it earned from its automobile operations. According to a blurb in The FT last

last year, [Porsche] earned EUR 3.6 billion from option operations.. some three times as much as from cars... profits that will help it buy VW. Porsche used to be the emblem of a go-go City of London trader. Now it has become one.


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Friday, 24 October 2008

Whats the difference between a pigeon and a London Investment Banker?

The difference between a pigeon and a London investment banker is that the pigeon can still make a deposit on a BMW.


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Educational Backgrounds

Educational Background:

Barack Obama:

Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.

Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

Joseph Biden:

University of Delaware - B.A. In History and B.A. In Political Science.

Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


John McCain:

United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899

Sarah Palin:

Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester

North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study

University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism

Matanuska-Susitna Colle GE - 1 semester

University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. In Journalism


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Thats the way

In Reliance India, 2500 staffers have gone on strike for a higher bonus


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Thursday, 23 October 2008

Paulson & Bernanke

"I feel like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Who are these guys that just keep coming?" -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr.


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Kedar Desai
Commodities – Structured Sales and Origination
Deutsche Bank London
Winchester House, 1 Great Winchester Street, London EC2N 2DB

+44(0)20 754 70177 Mobile: +44(0)789 420 1415
Yahoo id
: kedar.deutsche


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Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Very good - read from the bottom

read from bottom.....if you don't see the pic in the middle, look at the attachment
-----Original Message-----
Blunt, Sam []
22 October 2008 10:44
Andrews, Lewis;; Hutton, Richard; Rob Andrews; Ward, Ben D.
FW: why you shouldn't befriend work managers on facebook

for all those who feel the need to tell everyone how they are feeling every minute of the fking day on facebook.
Sam Blunt
Enterprise Content Management Practice

Kyle Doyle
Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:55 a.m.
Niresh Regmi
RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008


HAHAHA LMAO epic fail
No worries man



Kyle Doyle

Resolutions Expert - Technical


Niresh Regmi
Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:50 a.m.
Kyle Doyle
RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008


Hi Kyle,
I believe the proof that you are after is below




Real Time Manager, Workforce Operations

Ground Floor, 30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037

T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329
F: + 61 2 9009 1734

Kyle Doyle
Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:43 a.m.
Niresh Regmi
RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008


Hi Niresh,

My leave was due to medical reasons, so you cannot deny leave based on a line manager’s discretion, with no proof, please process leave as requested.


Kyle Doyle

Resolutions Expert - Technical


Niresh Regmi
Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:39 a.m.
Kyle Doyle
RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008


Hi Kyle,
Usually that is the case, as per your contract. However please note that leave during these occasions is only granted for genuine medical reasons. You line manager has determined that your leave was not due to medical reasons and as such we cannot grant leave on this occasion.

Kyle Doyle
Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:38 a.m.
Niresh Regmi
RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008



1 day leave absences do not require a medical certificate as stated in my contract, provided I have stated that I am on leave for medical reasons.



Kyle Doyle

Resolutions Expert - Technical


Niresh Regmi
Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:35 a.m.
Kyle Doyle
Absence on Thursday 21st 2008


Hi Kyle,

Please provide a medical certificate stating a valid reason for your sick leave on Thursday 21st 2008.

Thank You


Real Time Manager, Workforce Operations

Ground Floor, 30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037

T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329
F: + 61 2 9009 1734



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McCain IS Bush

It is confirmed John McCain is George Bush, as can be seen from his two statements below:

You know, I think you may have noticed that Senator Obama's supporters have been saying some pretty nasty things about Western Pennsylvania lately. And you know, I couldn't agree with them more. I couldn't disagree with you. I couldn't agree with you more than the fact that Western Pennsylvania is the most patriotic, most god-loving, most, most patriotic part of America, and this is a great part of the country." --Moon Township, Penn., Oct. 21, 2008 (Watch video clip)

"The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should. I've got Greenspan's book." --as quoted in the Boston Globe, Dec. 17, 2007


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France 64 - 4 % for Obama


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Pollster John Zogby:

These numbers fit the 1980 model with Reagan's victory over Carter -- but they are happening 12 days before Reagan blasted ahead. If Obama wins like this we can be talking not only victory but realignment: he leads by 27 points among Independents, 27 points among those who have already voted, 16 among newly registered voters, 31 among Hispanics, 93%-2% among African Americans, 16 among women, 27 among those 18-29, 5 among 30-49 year olds, 8 among 50-64s, 4 among those over 65, 25 among Moderates, and 12 among Catholics (which is better than Bill Clinton's 10-point victory among Catholics in 1996). He leads with men by 2 points, and is down among whites by only 6 points, down 2 in armed forces households, 3 among investors, and is tied among NASCAR fans.”


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political humor

The only reason Obama got this endorsement is because Colin Powell is black. Also, the only reason Admiral John Nathman, Brigadier-General James Smith, Four-star General Merrill McPeak and 20 other military leaders have endorsed Obama, is because Colin Powell is black." --Stephen Colbert (Watch video clip)

"Colin Powell is in the news because he endorsed Barack Obama. I wonder how John McCain feels about Colin Powell endorsing Obama. He’s probably all right with it. Men his age are used to having colon problems." --Craig Ferguson

The only thing we actually do really know about this Joe the plumber is that he's opinionated, he's extremely conservative, and we're not so sure about the plumbing. Oh my God, he's Ann Coulter!" --Bill Maher

Sarah Palin remains very popular. ... Many people in the country are very excited about her. In fact, this week in Tennessee, a man named his newborn baby after Sarah Palin. Can you believe that? Newborn baby, names the newborn baby after Sarah Palin. Yeah, the man named his baby Sarah Palin after he asked it to name three countries, and it just stared blankly into space" --Conan O'Brien


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Tuesday, 21 October 2008



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What's the capital of Iceland?

About £3.50


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Re: Nailin' Palin

They removed the video off Youtube, so those who missed it can look here


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Bernanke endorses Obama

Ever since Murdoch took over Wall Street Journal, its become disgusting. Check this write-up on Bernanke after he endorsed Obama.

Ben Bernanke apparently wants four more years as Federal Reserve Chairman. At least that's a reasonable conclusion after Mr. Bernanke all but submitted his job application to Barack Obama yesterday by endorsing the Democratic version of fiscal "stimulus."

While the Fed chief said any stimulus should be "well targeted," even a general endorsement amounts to a political green light. Mr. Bernanke certainly knows that Mr. Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill are talking about some $300 billion in new "stimulus" spending, while President Bush and Republicans are resisting. And by saying any help should "limit longer-term effects" on the federal deficit, he had to know he was reinforcing Democratic opposition to permanent tax cuts.

Mr. Bernanke could have begged off -- and would have been wiser to do so -- given how much the Fed has already made itself a political lightning rod with its many Wall Street interventions. He might also have thought twice about endorsing one party's policy preferences a mere two weeks before Election Day given his obligation to preserve the Fed's independence. We can remember when tougher Fed chairmen used to refrain from adjusting interest rates close to an election for fear of seeming to be political; they would never have dreamed of meddling in campaign tax and spending debates.

Perhaps Mr. Bernanke's blunderbuss political intrusion will win him more Democrat friends, and maybe even Mr. Obama's goodwill. To the rest of the world, he has harmed the Fed and made himself less credible.


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Wednesday, 15 October 2008

political humor

"They began filming a porno movie this week called 'Nalin' Palin.' They've hired a woman who looks like Governor Palin to star in this porn movie. It's called 'Nalin' Palin,' and they expect a lot of guys to go see it. The porn movie nobody wants to see? 'Ridin' Biden.'" --Jay Leno

More charges of voter registration fraud with this group ACORN. Have you heard about this? This is turning into a huge scandal. Apparently, this group has charged with on putting phony names on voter registration cards, including Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse was registered to vote in Florida. Is that so bad? I mean, Goofy has been president for the last eight years." --Jay Leno

So far, more than 10,000 acres have been burned. Yesterday, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger ordered a state of emergency to be declared. Or he might have ordered a steak with burgundy and an eclair. It's hard to tell. It's times like these when we think twice about electing a former bodybuilder from the black forest. Last time we had a big fire - he tried to slather it with baby oil." --Jimmy Kimmel

Re: caption

Sandeep Pralhad Hoshing

15/10/2008 02:18

"Even a flag that big couldn't cover my ass during the great market crash of 2008"

Kedar Desai/db/dbcom

14/10/2008 08:32

See Jimmy, that’s the New York Stock Exchange. That’s where people traded incredibly convoluted financial instruments that no one really understood until one day the whole thing went BOOM!


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another caption

Gary, no! Just let this one go. The free market will take care of this.


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Tuesday, 14 October 2008

political humor

You probably saw this on the news. A woman at a John McCain rally said that Barack Obama is an Arab. And McCain quickly corrected her. It was really awkward, because McCain had to tell her, 'Look, Governor Palin, you are wrong.'" --Jay Leno

"Happy Columbus Day, everybody. Today is Columbus Day, which means all the banks are closed. At least I think that's why they're closed. God, you realize Columbus is the only person to have closed more banks than President Bush. Isn't that amazing?" --Jay Leno

"You know, do you think President Bush really understands any of this stuff? Like today, he was asked about General Motors. And he said, 'I think he's doing a fine job in Iraq.'" --Jay Leno

"The average price of a gallon of gas has had its biggest drop ever this week also. It's now down to $3.30 a gallon. Remember $3.30 a gallon? That's the price you used to get outraged about a year ago." --Jay Leno

You can tell every now and then that Sarah Palin spends a lot of time in Alaska, because when after she dropped the first puck at the hockey game, she cut a hole in the ice and began to fish." --David Letterman

NOT Satire

WASHINGTON, Oct. 11, 2008 (Reuters) — Insurance giant American International Group , on the receiving end of a multi-billion dollar bailout from the Federal Reserve, was trying hard on Saturday to look on the bright side of life.

"Credit markets do not function. Why not, because the word credit comes from credibility," AIG Vice Chairman Jacob Frenkel told a group of top global bankers at a lively luncheon where he took a philosophical view of the upheaval in financial markets.

"The left side of the balance sheet has nothing right and the right side of the balance sheet has nothing left. But they are equal to each other. So accounting-wise we are fine," he told the Institute of International Finance.

AIG, crippled by losses on bad mortgage bets, was bailed out by the Fed with an $85 billion cash lifeline last month. Three days ago, the Fed expanded its assistance in a manner that could bring the total aid up to around $120 billion.

"Transparency is 'what you see is what you get' -- and what you don't see gets you," Frenkel said.


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Monday, 13 October 2008

political humor

 don't know if you heard the news, but Wall Street now is a farmer's market. I don't want to say things are going downhill quickly, but Obama's new campaign slogan is 'Are you better off than you were four days ago?'" --Bill Maher

Bush's big line during his speech today: 'We are a prosperous nation with immense resources and a wide range of tools to deal with this problem. And he's right: he's a tool, Bernanke's a tool, Paulsen's a tool, Alan Greenspan, a huge tool." --Bill Mahe

"The legislative panel in Alaska investing Troopergate released their report that says Sarah Palin illegally abused her power as governor by firing the state police chief because he wouldn't fire her sister's ex-husband. But they said she didn't actually break the law so she won't go to prison. Which is a pity because it would have been the first time she was ever involved in a complete sentence." --Bill Maher

"But all this doesn't matter because Obama keeps pulling away in the polls. Every week, he gets a little more ahead. And with almost all groups. Liberals, of course, always supported him. ... And conservatives like the idea of paying a black man to clean up their mess." --Bill Maher

The question she keeps asking at all of the rallies is, 'Who is Barack Obama?' You know what, genius, maybe if you'd picked up a newspaper in the last year you'd know." --Bill Maher

"Tomorrow, America's most famous hockey mom, Sarah Palin, will drop the ceremonial first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers game. Right afterwards, she'll get out on the ice and skate around reporters' questions, so it should be interesting." --Jay Leno

"Before lawmakers in Alaska released their report on this troopergate scandal, Sarah Palin's campaign released the results of their own campaign clearing her of any wrongdoing. Thank God we cleared that up. Actually, I think it's legitimate, because apparently Palin can see the courthouse from her front porch, so obviously she's a lawyer." --Jay Leno

"I'll give you an idea how bad the economy is: you know the giant national debt clock in Times Square that keeps track of the national debt? It's now run out of digits. This is true. It only goes up to a trillion, and we passed that. We're now going to add two more digits so it can go up to a quadrillion dollars. Are these even real numbers anymore? Don't they sound like the kinds of numbers you'd use when you argue with your friends?" --Jay Leno

"I saw a guy on Hollywood Boulevard said to a hooker 'What can I get for an extra 50?' She said '100 shares of General Motors.'" --Jay Leno

They found that Americans actually eat more during bad economic times, that people become fatter during bad financial periods. Isn't that amazing? This is the only country in the world, when the economy goes south, not only don't you lose your ass, it gets bigger." --Jay Leno

"Congratulations to Bill and Hillary Clinton: this weekend, 33rd wedding anniversary. How about that? And you thought the Iraqi war was a never-ending conflict." --David Letterman

"That's right, Hillary Clinton's celebrating 32 years of marriage to Bill, or as Hillary likes to call it, 'the Bridge to Nowhere.'" --David Letterman

I like this headline

Paul Krugman, Princeton Professor, Bush Critic, Wins Nobel Economics Prize


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"This market crash is worse than my first divorce, for I've lost half my money and I've still got a wife."


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Sunday, 12 October 2008

Economist extract

Besides looking presidential, a candidate must avoid gaffes. In 1976, Gerald Ford denied that Poland was dominated by the Soviet Union. In 1980, Jimmy Carter said he asked his 13-year-old daughter what the most important issue facing the nation was. (She said nuclear weapons.) Voters concluded that one man was blind and the other needed more mature advisers. Both lost.

So far this year, no candidate has committed a fatal howler, but there have been several slips. Mr McCain said that earmarks (lawmakers’ pet projects) had tripled in the past five years, when their value has fallen. Mr Obama looked at his wrist to remind himself of the name of the fallen American soldier whose bracelet he wears. During the vice-presidential debate on October 2nd, Joe Biden was under the impression that America drove Hizbullah out of Lebanon, and boasted about hanging out with ordinary folks in a restaurant that has been closed for many years. Sarah Palin, meanwhile, avoided difficult questions by asking her own and then answering them.

Every debater secretly yearns to be Abraham Lincoln, who spoke brilliantly about issues that still seem important a century and a half later. Stephen Douglas, his rival in 1858 for a Senate seat now occupied by Mr Obama, gave warning that Lincoln would confer “upon the Negro the rights and privileges of citizenship” and “cover your prairies with black settlements”. Douglas was no slouch, but Lincoln was sharper. He said Douglas could “prove a horse chestnut to be a chestnut horse”. To the allegation that he was two-faced, he retorted: “If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one


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Saturday, 11 October 2008

Lehman Blames Casio for subprime crisis

Lehman blames Casio for crisis

Report by Pagal Patrakar 

New York. USA. CEO of Lehman Brothers Mr. Richard Fuld has accused Japanese electronic devices manufacturing company Casio for the bankruptcy and is consulting his lawyers to file a damage suit. Mr. Fuld has claimed that Lehman Brothers was pushed to bankruptcy because its analysts and traders were using faulty financial calculators provided by Casio.

These calculators, most of them being FC-200V model, were bought in bulk by Lehman Brothers in August 2005 for its employees. Incidentally this is the same period when subprime mortgage crisis had started to unfold. Mr. Fuld claims that these calculators are to be blamed for the crisis.

"Our analysts couldn't get the correct valuation of the mortgage-backed securities as the 'bond' function on these calculators was faulty, and ended up overpricing them. Our traders took positions on them in market in good faith" Mr. Fuld informed claiming Lehman Brothers did nothing wrong.

Mr. Fuld is claiming damages worth $ 8.6 billion. Faking News has learnt from its sources that this figure was too arrived at using the same Casio financial calculators so the final figures may change.

Other banks who were hit by the ongoing crisis are rechecking their calculators, computers and even coffee wending machines to find the real reason behind the subprime mortgage crisis. A survey among common man of New York revealed that most of them believed Mr. Fuld.

"This was a well thought conspiracy by Japan to avenge its defeat in Second World War and Pearl Harbor. Now I strongly believe that 9-11 attacks were carried by Japanese." George McCain, a resident of New York told us during the survey.

Back in India, sentiments were strong as it is commonly believed that Indians know and perform most of the mathematical calculations by heart and don't use calculator.

"We should encourage the indigenous culture of memorizing mathematical tables and formula and discourage use of modern equipments. India should not blindly ape west." BJP's leader and former finance minister Yashwant Sinha told Faking News through a message sent by BlackBerry®.

Meanwhile, Casio has denied that its calculators were faulty. Chief Technological Officer of the company told Faking News that Casio operates on six sigma model and it's next to impossible that such a large number of defective products were offloaded in market. He hoped that the bankrupt Lehman Brothers won't be able to afford legal fees and the case against them would be dropped.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Re: Shakespeare on the Crisis

Saurabh Tendulkar

What, no "neither a borrower nor a lender be; for loan oft loses itself and friend"?


> From: Kedar Desai
> Subject: Shakespeare on the Crisis
> To:
> Date: Friday, October 10, 2008, 11:42 AM
> ?When sorrows come, they come not single spies. But in
> battalions?
> (Hamlet)
> ?Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my
> reputation!
> I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains
> is bestial?
> (Othello)
> ?Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides: Who cover
> faults, at last
> shame them derides.? (King Lear)
> ?O time! thou must untangle this, not I; It is too hard a
> knot for me to
> untie!? (Twelfth Night)
> ---
> This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged
> information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have
> received this e-mail in error) please notify the sender
> immediately and delete this e-mail. Any unauthorized
> copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this
> e-mail is strictly forbidden.
> Please refer to
> for
> additional EU corporate and regulatory disclosures.
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
> -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---



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Shakespeare on the Crisis

 “When sorrows come, they come not single spies. But in battalions” (Hamlet)

“Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation!
I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial” (Othello)

“Time shall unfold what plaited cunning hides: Who cover faults, at last shame them derides.” (King Lear)

“O time! thou must untangle this, not I; It is too hard a knot for me to untie!” (Twelfth Night)


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New Government Seal

New Government Seal:

Official Announcement:
The federal government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance. A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed!

Damn, it just doesn't get more accurate than that.


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Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Hilllllllarious - banking

This is too too too funny....Look at the pictures and read the comment below it. The one with Palin in it is the best. You can also hit next at the bottom to scroll further


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Dick Fuld, Lehman CEO

Nicolas Stoupak

07/10/2008 17:17

Have you seen the Fuld testimony?  The poor man said he cannot sleep at night. I would have thought that half a billion in cash compensation would help him buy some sleeping pills, but apparently drugs are very expensive these days. Now there are reports his wife is selling parts of their art collection. I feel so sad for the poor guy. I hope he will set up a charity to sustain his lifestyle, I'd be more than happy to contribute a few dollars.


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Tuesday, 7 October 2008



The U S Treasury has just issued a new One Dollar Bill.






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tits up

I guess this is why they use the phrase - "The economy has gone tits up"


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Monday, 6 October 2008

Bill Maher: Ebony and Ivory

And finally, New Rule: A candidate for president should not be judged by the color of his skin. And to - and to anyone who thinks differently, I say, please do not reject John McCain just because he's white. I think the recent news from Wall Street has made us all less tolerant, and only reinforced the stereotype that white people are shiftless, thieving welfare queens. Now, take a look at these pictures. Here are the CEO's of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG and the Lehman Brothers. I know the first thing that jumps out about these faces is they all happen to be white, and they all happen to be responsible f or stealing. But, what you have to understand is that these whites are a product of a society that made them that way. It was the neighborhoods and the schools they went to: Harvard, Yale, the Wharton School of Business. They never learned the value of doing real, actual work. And the first step to fixing that is better role models so kids growing up white today don't think the only way out of Westchester is corporate crime. Or a government handout. Or sailing. So, I get it. The temptation is to look at McCain and vote against him because you don't see an individual; you just see another typical welfare "whitey." And it's true. He spent his entire life shuffling from one low-paying government job to another. Well, except those years he spent in prison. Typical. And, between you and me, he's not very articulate. Oh, he may have some street smarts, but he's not what you'd call an "educated" man. He freely admits he's ignorant about the economy. And apparently the only thing his white running mate knows how to do is crank out one baby after another. And now, of course, her teenage is pregnant out of wedlock, because she learns it at home! But, that doesn't mean we should assume all white people are like that just because so many of them are. I believe there is hope. I believe even the stupidest, greediest, laziest whites can break the cycle of dependence, like this November when we finally move George Bush out of public housing.


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political cartoons



Kedar Desai
Commodities – Structured Sales and Origination
Deutsche Bank London

+44(0)20 754 70177 Mobile: +44(0)789 420 1415


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McCain's on pot


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``close to zero'' respect for bankers

     Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Luxembourg Finance Minister Jean-Claude Juncker said he has ``close to zero'' respect for bankers, French magazine La Croix reported, citing an interview.

    ``We now have the same people who wanted to emasculate public powers being the first to turn to them for an urgent response,'' Juncker told the French magazine in the interview posted on its Web site today. ``I have for the banking profession exactly the same amount of esteem as bankers have for my job, that is, close to zero.''


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Re: Breath Mint?

Nicolas Stoupak

06/10/2008 08:29

That's the Bloomberg style, they do it in every in-depth article.

"Jack Smith arrived at his Wall Street office at 7am, drank a couple cups of black coffee and ate a donut. He was expecting a bloodbath in the swap market"

"Kedar Desai"

05/10/2008 10:18

From NYT: I didn't get why NYT had to mention this here


Shortly after he became chief executive of Fannie Mae, Mr. Mudd traveled to the California offices of Angelo R. Mozilo, the head of Countrywide Financial, then the nation's largest mortgage lender. Fannie had a longstanding and lucrative relationship with Countrywide, which sold more loans to Fannie than anyone else.

But at that meeting, Mr. Mozilo, a butcher's son who had almost single-handedly built Countrywide into a financial powerhouse, threatened to upend their partnership unless Fannie started buying Countrywide's riskier loans.Firms like Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs had started bundling home loans and selling them to investors — bypassing Fannie and dealing with Countrywide directly.

"You're becoming irrelevant," Mr. Mozilo told Mr. Mudd, according to two people with knowledge of the meeting who requested anonymity because the talks were confidential. In the previous year, Fannie had already lost 56 percent of its loan-reselling business to Wall Street and other competitors.

"You need us more than we need you," Mr. Mozilo said, "and if you don't take these loans, you'll find you can lose much more."

Then Mr. Mozilo offered everyone a breath mint.


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Friday, 3 October 2008

Palin Pics


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Thursday, 2 October 2008

political humor

"See, you've got to admit, Sarah Palin does look great when they walk out, but that's causing a problem for McCain now. In fact, now they call the ticket 'Beauty and the Deceased.'" --Jay Leno

"Here's some good news. The government is talking about stimulus checks again. The bad news? We're the ones that are writing them." --Jay Leno

"And the Senate voted on this bailout package again tonight. Senator Larry Craig missed the vote. I understand he was in the men's room, introducing his own package." --Jay Leno

"Aren't you tired of hearing these economic experts talking on TV? It's time for America to get back to air-headed celebrities. Britney, Paris, Lindsay, your country needs you right now. I mean, what would you rather focus on, some Wall Street guy who lost his shirt, or Britney losing her panties?" --Jay Leno

"But Sarah Palin right now is training for tomorrow night's vice presidential debate in Arizona. And she says it has really helped her on foreign policy, because from Arizona she can see Mexico." --David Letterman




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Wednesday, 1 October 2008

political humor

"Before we begin, I want to warn people from Nigeria who might be watching our show, if you get any e-mails from Washington asking for money, it's a scam. Don't fall for it." --Jay Leno

I'll give you an idea of how bad the economy is, I wrote a five-dollar check over the weekend, the check was good, the bank bounced. I'll give you an idea how bad the dollar is, I went to buy gold, they said, 'oh, we can only buy it with gold.' That's how bad it is. In fact, the guy in the Rolls-Royce with the Grey Poupon had to switch to French's mustard." --Jay Leno

"Senator John McCain is in favor of the bailout. He loves bailouts: he bailed out on me." --David Letterman

"President Bush now says that the taxpayers could actually make a profit on this deal. Well, that's good enough for me, let's go, come on. And, if you believe that, I have Yankees and Mets World Series tickets." --David Letterman

"A lot of Republicans are worried about how Sarah Palin's gonna do in the vice-presidential debate this Thursday. See you know what she should do if she was smart? Let Joe Biden have the first question, he'll take 90 minutes to answer, oh, we're out of time! Who could have seen that coming?" --Jay Leno

"Hugh Hefner has asked Sarah Palin to pose naked for Playboy. Because right know, you know, she's busy posing as a vice-presidential candidate." --Jay Leno

"Actually, think about that, if she did do it, she could be the first Playmate on a bear-skin rug she shot herself. Think about it." --Jay Leno

"Al Gore spoke at Bill Clinton's forum on global warming last week. I don't want to say Al's put on a few pounds, but I understand Bill hit on him." --Jay Leno

Now today, I don't want to alarm you, when the stock market closed, it was down 777 points, which is the biggest point drop in American history. As a result, President Bush was able to cross off the tenth and final item on his administrations bucket list." --Conan O'Brien

"Of course, the first presidential debate was held on Friday. Many observers are split on who won. Some say Barack Obama won by showing he could hold his own. Others say that John McCain won by showing he could hold his bladder." --Conan O'Brien

"Critics are still analyzing Sarah Palin's interview with Katie Couric last week, and they're saying she was halting, repetitive and stumped on basic questions. Yeah, in other words, Palin appeared very presidential." --Conan O'Brien

"Hugh Hefner is entering the fray. Hugh Hefner has asked Sarah Palin to pose nude for Playboy magazine. Yeah, and Palin said she'd agree to pose for Playboy as long as there's no interview." --Conan O'Brien


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