Wednesday, 3 December 2008
4 bags RDX
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NYT op-ed
Consider first an op-ed article in Sunday’s Los Angeles Times by Martha Nussbaum, a well-known professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago. The article was headlined “Terrorism in India has many faces.” But one face that Nussbaum fails to mention specifically is that of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Islamic terror group originating in Pakistan that seems to have been centrally involved in the attack on Mumbai.
This is because Nussbaum’s main concern is not explaining or curbing Islamic terror. Rather, she writes that “if, as now seems likely, last week’s terrible events in Mumbai were the work of Islamic terrorists, that’s more bad news for India’s minority Muslim population.” She deplores past acts of Hindu terror against India’s Muslims. She worries about Muslim youths being rounded up on suspicion of terrorism with little or no evidence. And she notes that this is “an analogue to the current ugly phenomenon of racial profiling in the United States.”
So jihadists kill innocents in Mumbai — and Nussbaum ends up decrying racial profiling here. Is it just that liberal academics are required to include some alleged ugly American phenomenon in everything they write?
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Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Crazy Minister
Major Sandeep died in the battle, and is now a patriot. When the State Minister of Kerala went to the Major's house for the funeral, his dad asked him to get out. #
The Minister replied that not even a dog would have chosen to visit the house. "If it had not been (Major)Sandeep's house, not even a dog would have glanced that way," he had said. He now refuses to apologize for his remarks
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John McCain
John McCain [Images], who unsuccessfully ran for President, arrived in New Delhi [Images] on Tuesday in an unscheduled visit, to show solidarity in the wake of the Mumbai terror attacks [Images] and discussed the issue with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh [Images].
McCain, the Republican Party leader, was on his way to Bangladesh and Bhutan but he made a stopover here in view of the Mumbai strikes, sources said.
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From Stratfor
We expect the United States to pressure India not to create a crisis, in order to avoid this outcome. As we have said, the problem is that it is unclear whether politically the Indians can afford restraint. At the very least, New Delhi must demand that the Pakistani government take steps to make the ISI and Pakistan's other internal security apparatus more effective. Even if the Indians concede that there was no ISI involvement in the attack, they will argue that the ISI is incapable of stopping such attacks. They will demand a purge and reform of the ISI as a sign of Pakistani commitment. Barring that, New Delhi will move troops to the Indo-Pakistani frontier to intimidate Pakistan and placate Indian public opinion.
Dilemmas for Islamabad, New Delhi and Washington
At that point, Islamabad will have a serious problem. The Pakistani government is even weaker than the Indian government. Pakistan's civilian regime does not control the Pakistani military, and therefore does not control the ISI. The civilians can't decide to transform Pakistani security, and the military is not inclined to make this transformation. (Pakistan's military has had ample opportunity to do so if it wished.) Pakistan faces the challenge, just one among many, that its civilian and even military leadership lack the ability to reach deep into the ISI and security services to transform them. In some ways, these agencies operate under their own rules.
Add to this the reality that the ISI and security forces -- even if they are acting more assertively, as Islamabad claims -- are demonstrably incapable of controlling radical Islamists in Pakistan. If they were capable, the attack on Mumbai would have been thwarted in Pakistan. The simple reality is that in Pakistan's case, the will to make this transformation does not seem to be present, and even if it were, the ability to suppress terror attacks isn't there.
The United States might well want to limit New Delhi's response. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice [Images] is on her way to India to discuss just this. But the politics of India's situation make it unlikely that the Indians can do anything more than listen. It is more than simply a political issue for New Delhi; the Indians have no reason to believe that the Mumbai operation was one of a kind. Further operations like the Mumbai attack might well be planned. Unless the Pakistanis shift their posture inside Pakistan, India has no way of knowing whether other such attacks can be stymied. The Indians will be sympathetic to Washington's plight in Afghanistan and the need to keep Pakistani troops at the Afghan border. But New Delhi will need something that the Americans -- and in fact the Pakistanis -- can't deliver: a guarantee that there will be no more attacks like this one.
The Indian government cannot chance inaction. It probably would fall if it did. Moreover, in the event of inactivity and another attack, Indian public opinion probably will swing to an uncontrollable extreme. If an attack takes place but India has moved toward crisis posture with Pakistan, at least no one can argue that the Indian government remained passive in the face of threats to national security. Therefore, India is likely to refuse American requests for restraint.
It is possible that New Delhi will make a radical proposal to Rice, however. Given that the Pakistani government is incapable of exercising control in its own country, and given that Pakistan now represents a threat to both US and Indian national security, the Indians might suggest a joint operation with the Americans against Pakistan.
What that joint operation might entail is uncertain, but regardless, this is something that Rice would reject out of hand and that Obama would reject in January 2009. Pakistan has a huge population and nuclear weapons, and the last thing Bush or Obama wants is to practice nation-building in Pakistan. The Indians, of course, will anticipate this response. The truth is that New Delhi itself does not want to engage deep in Pakistan to strike at militant training camps and other Islamist sites. That would be a nightmare. But if Rice shows up with a request for Indian restraint and no concrete proposal -- or willingness to entertain a proposal -- for solving the Pakistani problem, India will be able to refuse on the grounds that the Americans are asking India to absorb a risk (more Mumbai-style attacks) without the United States' willingness to share in the risk.
Setting the stage for a new Indo-Pakistani confrontation
That will set the stage for another Indo-Pakistani confrontation. India will push forces forward all along the Indo-Pakistani frontier, move its nuclear forces to an alert level, begin shelling Pakistan, and perhaps -- given the seriousness of the situation -- attack short distances into Pakistan and even carry out air strikes deep in Pakistan. India will demand greater transparency for New Delhi in Pakistani intelligence operations. The Indians will not want to occupy Pakistan; they will want to occupy Pakistan's security apparatus.
Naturally, the Pakistanis will refuse that. There is no way they can give India, their main adversary, insight into Pakistani intelligence operations. But without that access, India has no reason to trust Pakistan. This will leave the Indians in an odd position: They will be in a near-war posture, but will have made no demands of Pakistan that Islamabad can reasonably deliver and that would benefit India. In one sense, India will be gesturing. In another sense, India will be trapped by making a gesture on which Pakistan cannot deliver. The situation thus could get out of hand.
In the meantime, the Pakistanis certainly will withdraw forces from western Pakistan and deploy them in eastern Pakistan. That will mean that one leg of the (US commander David) Petraeus and Obama plans would collapse.
Washington's expectation of greater Pakistani cooperation along the Afghan border will disappear along with the troops. This will free the Taliban from whatever limits the Pakistani army had placed on it. The Taliban's ability to fight would increase, while the motivation for any of the Taliban to enter talks -- as Afghan President Hamid Karzai [Images] has suggested -- would decline. US forces, already stretched to the limit, would face an increasingly difficult situation, while pressure on al Qaeda in the tribal areas would decrease.
Now, step back and consider the situation the Mumbai attackers have created. First, the Indian government faces an internal political crisis driving it toward a confrontation it didn't plan on. Second, the minimum Pakistani response to a renewed Indo-Pakistani crisis will be withdrawing forces from western Pakistan, thereby strengthening the Taliban and securing al Qaeda. Third, sufficient pressure on Pakistan's civilian government could cause it to collapse, opening the door to a military-Islamist government -- or it could see Pakistan collapse into chaos, giving Islamists security in various regions and an opportunity to reshape Pakistan. Finally, the United States'
situation in Afghanistan has now become enormously more complex.
By staging an attack the Indian government can't ignore, the Mumbai attackers have set in motion an existential crisis for Pakistan. The reality of Pakistan cannot be transformed, trapped as the country is between the United States and India. Almost every evolution from this point forward benefits Islamists. Strategically, the attack on Mumbai was a precise blow struck to achieve uncertain but favorable political outcomes for the Islamists.
Rice's trip to India now becomes the crucial next step. She wants Indian restraint. She does not want the western Pakistani border to collapse. But she cannot guarantee what India must have: assurance of no further terror attacks on India originating in Pakistan. Without that, India must do something. No Indian government could survive without some kind of action. So it is up to Rice, in one of her last acts as secretary of state, to come up with a miraculous solution to head off a final, catastrophic crisis for the Bush administration -- and a defining first crisis for the new Obama administration. Former US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld once said that the enemy gets a vote. The Islamists cast their ballot in Mumbai.
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Monday, 1 December 2008
political cartoons
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Friday, 28 November 2008
look at these - click view on the black ones
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Karl Rove praises Obama
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Monday, 24 November 2008
Top 100 singers of all time
Rolling Stone listed the 100 top singers of all time, shocking that Robert Plant is 15, and Axl Rose is 64?
I liked Bono's write up on Bob Dylan, thats exactly what I like Dylan for, not for his lyrics. This the key to all music: 'It's not going to be about how pretty the voice is. It's going to be about believing that the voice is telling the truth.' This is exactly similar to the scene that I connected to most while watching Walk the Line, when Johnny Cash goes for an audition, to the guy who later built him, and also built Elvis.
'Dylan did with singing what Brando did with acting. '
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A senior Obama campaign official shared with The Washington Note and Huffington Post that in July 2008, the McCain and Obama camps began to work secretly behind the scenes to assemble large rosters of potential personnel for the administration that only one of the candidates would lead.
Lists comprised of Democrats and Republicans were assembled, sorted into areas of policy expertise, so that the roster could be called on after the election by either the Obama or McCain transition teams.
This kind of out-of-sight coordination is rare between battling presidential camps and provides some indication that both Obama and McCain intended to draw expertise into their governments from both sides of the aisle -- or at least they wanted to appear interested in doing so if the information leaked out about the list development process.
Fascinating tidbit on cooperation behind battle lines.
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Friday, 21 November 2008
Sarah Palin Does TV Interview While Turkeys Are Slaughtered In The Background
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political humor
"The three big domestic automakers are now saying they are working jointly on a new hybrid car. It runs on a combination of state and federal bailout money." --Jay Leno
"The three C.E.O.s made a huge mistake today. You may have seen this -- they each flew to Washington in their own private jet to ask for $25 billion bailout. Even A.I.G. executives are going, 'What are you thinking?'" --Jay Leno
"They each took their own private jet that cost $20,000 round trip. And here's the sad part, today the Japanese announced they have a jet that costs half that and gets better mileage." --Jay Leno
"Sociologists believe that nine months after election day, there could be thousands of Obama babies born, 'cause a lot of people celebrated a big victory by having sex. But, you know, they act like this is new. This is not new. In fact, you know, John McCain was a Lincoln baby." --Jay Leno
"Once he becomes president, Barack Obama will not be allowed to use his Blackberry, or even his email anymore for, security reasons. Obama says, even if he can't email, he still wants to be the first president to have a laptop on his desk in the Oval Office. See, Bush thought he had a laptop. Turns out it was just an Etch-a-Sketch." --Jay Leno
"Because he's a kind of a techno guy, the press is calling Obama the first wired president. As opposed to President Bush, who was the first wiretap president." --Jay Leno
"Al-Qaeda released a new tape today, in which they used a racial slur directed at President-elect Barack Obama. Hey, al-Qaeda thought it was tough dealing with the U.S. military? Now they've got Al Sharpton coming after them, alright?" --Jay Leno
"The word is that Hillary Clinton does want the job as secretary of state. And as you know, the secretary of state serves at the pleasure of the president, to which Bill said, 'Yeah, that will be a first.'" --Jay Leno
Eliot Spitzer's call girl, remember her? She's being interviewed on '20/20' this Friday. And she told '20/20,' no matter how long the interview lasts, even if the interview's only 15 minutes, they still have to pay for the whole hour." --Jay Leno
"Pirates from Somalia hijacked a Saudi Arabian super tanker full of oil and are holding it for ransom. You know what you call someone who hijacks a ton of oil [and] holds it for ransom? Anybody know? Exxon Mobil." --Jay Leno
"Is it chilly outside today? I'm telling you, coming to work today, it was so cold, I was shaking like Sarah Palin taking a geography test." --David Letterman
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Thursday, 20 November 2008
World leaders dont shake Bush's hand
World leaders dont shake Bush's hand
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How stupid are the Dems?
"I don't believe we need the legislation," Reid said. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson can tap the financial industry bailout money to help auto companies, Reid said, but "he just doesn't want to do it."
you dork! that 700 was raised after such a fight for the finance industry, which is why there was a fight. If it was for all industries who voted for you, you should have made it 1500, not 700
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Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Romney for president
Here he makes more sense than Obama. Its funny, people talk about the rich having vested interests in the Reps - what about unions having vested interests in the dems? even if all banks are bailed out, it does not justify even one single auto company in the US being baile d out - they have been incompetent and evil for 50 years
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political humor
They filled out the questionnaire, running the check on Hillary. Listen this. Turns out, she was married to a guy who was once impeached." --David Letterman
"Actually, I think Hillary Clinton would be a great secretary of state. You know, she can cackle in seven different languages." --Jay Leno
"When Sarah Palin heard about McCain meeting with Obama, she accused McCain of palling around with terrorists." --Jay Leno
"Hey, Barack Obama had to give up his Blackberry. He's the first wired president. ... He might have to give his Blackberry because of security reasons. Because they're easy to hack into. In fact, when Obama heard he might have to give it up, he said, 'OMG! WTF?' --Jay Leno
"Barack Obama's mother-in-law might be moving into the White House with him. See, Joe Biden was right. 'Hostile forces will test him in the first few months.'" --Jay Leno
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Tuesday, 18 November 2008
On Auto
Let's be quite honest here, if money is given to Detroit, it will be a short term bail-out in the fullest sense of the word, for the money will be given to businesses that have been in trouble and seemingly incapable.. or unwilling... to change their business plans... ever. Detroit... the most incestuous business in the world... has drawn upon its own people for decades, and as such has been unable to
design better cars, more economic cars, and cars that require fewer workers to build. They have been tied down by the unions and by their own histories and traditions, and as such have failed on a consistent basis. Compare the auto production by BMW in Spartanburg, S. Carolina with the production in Detroit, and one comes away with the idea that "northern" union based auto companies are
doomed to failure, while southern, non-union based auto companies are able to compete on the broadest world markets.
Sadly, we fear that Detroit will once again be "bailed out," and as it is bailed-out, its propensity to take action as is needed to end the union control and to redesign cars to smaller, more economic designs will wither and die. Two years hence... or at worst three... GM, Ford and Chrysler will be back at the taxpayer's trough asking for more money, and more money and then more money still. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me two and three and four times, shame on me.
The problem is that President-elect Obama is beholden to the unions, and he is particularly beholden to the Detroit unions, who helped him carry Michigan by a sizeable margin. Had it not been for the union support, the election in Michigan would have been far, far closer. Further, the unions helped to carry the day in Pennsylvania, in Ohio, in Minnesota, et al. President-elect Obama is more involved and more tied to the unions than any president since Lyndon Johnson, and that we find disconcerting... unless the President-elect shows very real leadership and chooses to turn his back upon the demands by the unions and the people of Detroit in particular and Michigan in general.
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Monday, 17 November 2008
NEW DELHI, Nov 17 (Reuters) - A Dutch couple on a visit to the eastern Indian state of Bihar paid 10,000 rupees ($204) for four samosas, a spicy deep-fried snack that usually doesn't cost more than a few rupees, a newspaper reported on Monday.
After the tourists ate the snacks, a stall owner at the Sonepur cattle fair last week told them his "special" samosas cost more because they were made of herbs and had aphrodisiac qualities, the Hindustan Times said.
After an argument, the couple paid the shopkeeper. But they later complained to a policeman. Police forced the shopkeeper to return the change -- 9,990 rupees.
($1=49 rupees)
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Friday, 14 November 2008
Good one
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Hillary Secy of State?
Secy is short for Secretary
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Letter to the Economist
SIR – I would like to congratulate Mr Obama on his brilliant victory. In his official capacity as president of the United States he will probably have to meet our prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi. I apologise in advance.
Marta Sanna
Cagliari, Italy
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Thursday, 13 November 2008
Iceland has offered its Keflavik air base to Russia at a diplomatic luncheon in Reykjavik on Nov. 7, shocking everyone... including Russia! Iceland's economy is now in a desperate position, and the Russians have come to Iceland's aid, but heretofore no one from NATO has. It appears that Iceland is attempting to put pressure upon the West to "pony up" and come to Iceland's economic aid.
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Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Before anything else
real email just sent to Obama supporters from the DNC... Subject: Before anything else
Subject: Before anything else
Our friends at the Democratic National Committee laid it all on the line to bring change this year.
We've been reviewing the books, and the DNC went into considerable debt to secure victory for Barack and Joe. It took unprecedented resources to staff up all 50 states, train field organizers, and build the technology to reach as many swing voters as possible.
It worked.
But it also left the DNC in debt. So before we do anything else, we need to help pay for this winning strategy.
If you give $30 or more, you'll get a limited edition 2008 Victory T-shirt. Will you make a donation of $250 or more now?
The DNC's 50-state field strategy was crucial to our campaign's success, as well as victories for Democrats up and down the ballot. Their organizing infrastructure allowed us to compete -- and win -- in states that seemed insurmountable just four years ago.
They took out substantial loans to make it happen. The DNC didn't hold back, and now, neither can we.
You were there for this campaign when we needed to reach out to more voters and compete in more states. Now we're relying on grassroots supporters like you to come through for this movement once again.
We'll get to work transforming this country. But first, we need to take care of the DNC.
Please make a donation of $250 or more today and receive your Obama Victory T-shirt:
Thank you for everything,
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
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rough road ahead
Sign on a road leading to Wall Street (see NYSE at the end of the road).
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Re: Cindy McCain having an affair!!!
Does anyone know if the guy in the pic is Tommy Lee, Pamela anderson's ex-hubby, who was also the drummer for Motley Crue?
Kedar Desai/db/dbcom 12/11/2008 17:12 |
Check picture in the link
The National Enquirer has published a new political "world exclusive":
The ENQUIRER's exclusive bombshell expose as Sen. John McCain's wife, Cindy, is caught with another man!
Not only that but multiple witnesses have caught the pair lip locking on several other occasions.
"I couldn't believe I was watching Cindy McCain passionately kissing and hugging another man!"
That's the stunned reaction of an eyewitness who says he watched in shock - and snapped photos - as the former presidential candidate's wife romantically kissed a long-haired man who resembles "a washed-up '80s rock musician."
Sources told The ENQUIRER investigative team the pair have been seen at concerts and sporting events acting very lovey-dovey
The wealthy blonde heiress and her secret pal have been spotted together around her hometown of Phoenix, Arizona over the past several years, say sources.
The amazing spy photos were snapped when Cindy and her companion attended the Tempe Music Festival says the person who took them. The photos are somewhat grainy, but the insider says they depict Senator John McCain's wife, who was greeted by pals at the event as "Cindy."
One grainy photo accompanies the online article -- more are promised in the print edition. The National Enquirer was recently vindicated in its coverage of a different campaign scandal when John Edwards confessed to having an affair. During the election they pushed the story that Sarah Palin was having an affair with her husband's business partner. Those allegations have yet to be backed up by other sources.
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Cindy McCain having an affair!!!
Check picture in the link
The National Enquirer has published a new political "world exclusive":
The ENQUIRER's exclusive bombshell expose as Sen. John McCain's wife, Cindy, is caught with another man!
Not only that but multiple witnesses have caught the pair lip locking on several other occasions.
"I couldn't believe I was watching Cindy McCain passionately kissing and hugging another man!"
That's the stunned reaction of an eyewitness who says he watched in shock - and snapped photos - as the former presidential candidate's wife romantically kissed a long-haired man who resembles "a washed-up '80s rock musician."
Sources told The ENQUIRER investigative team the pair have been seen at concerts and sporting events acting very lovey-dovey
The wealthy blonde heiress and her secret pal have been spotted together around her hometown of Phoenix, Arizona over the past several years, say sources.
The amazing spy photos were snapped when Cindy and her companion attended the Tempe Music Festival says the person who took them. The photos are somewhat grainy, but the insider says they depict Senator John McCain's wife, who was greeted by pals at the event as "Cindy."
One grainy photo accompanies the online article -- more are promised in the print edition. The National Enquirer was recently vindicated in its coverage of a different campaign scandal when John Edwards confessed to having an affair. During the election they pushed the story that Sarah Palin was having an affair with her husband's business partner. Those allegations have yet to be backed up by other sources.
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Obama & GM
President-elect Obama is reported to be urging the present administration to provide more assistance to the US auto industry. After promising change, the incoming leader has either succumbed to politics as usual by throwing a bone to some who got him elected, or to status quo bias: the cognitive behaviour which refers to the human condition of wanting to keep things as they have always
been. At least one major bank has rated GM’s stock price at zero, warning ‘equity shareholders are unlikely to get anything’ even if the automaker averts formal bankruptcy proceedings. Granted, allowing the carmaker to fail risks being called unpatriotic or something presumably far worse, especially if some solvent foreign automaker should come in and snap up the good bits as Barclays did with Lehman. But should the US government really be supporting the infrastructure which led to the crisis at GM? The world would keep spinning even if it didn’t, and room would be made for innovation which has been riding behind the curve as long as we have been riding in squishy SUVs.
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Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship
By BEN EVANS – 14 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.
"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may — may not, I hope not — but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."
Broun cited a July speech by Obama that has circulated on the Internet in which the then-Democratic presidential candidate called for a civilian force to take some of the national security burden off the military.
"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."
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Shocking news on Rahm Emanuel (Subscription required)
November 6, 2008 -- Obama faced with security problem at outset of transition process
WMR has learned from informed U.S. intelligence sources that prospective Barack Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has an active FBI counter-intelligence file maintained on him. Emanuel's rise to the Chief of Staff position may pose a significant security problem for President-elect Obama if the FBI insists on conducting the full background security investigation normally required for senior White House officials.
Questions about Emanuel's links to the Israeli intelligence service, the Mossad, were allegedly so great that President Bill Clinton was forced to dismiss Emanuel from the White House staff in 1998. One of the FBI agents who discovered Emanuel's dealings with Israeli intelligence was, according to our sources, the late FBI counter-terrorism Assistant Director John O'Neill. O'Neill retired after being set up in a smear operation involving a temporarily stolen brief case in 2001. O'Neill and another FBI agent who still works for the bureau and shall remain nameless at this point to protect him and his career discovered that Emanuel was heavily involved in the decision to place intern Monica Lewinsky close to President Clinton. O'Neill accepted the top security position for Kroll Associates at the World Trade Center. O'Neill was killed in the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. WMR has also reported that O'Neill was a close friend of slain retired Houston CIA station chief Roland V. "Tony" Carnaby, who was similarly investigating Israeli intelligence operations in the Houston area when Houston police shot and killed him last April.
Emanuel reportedly had knowledge of Israeli intelligence penetration of White House communications systems and Lewinsky, in sworn testimony before the Office of Independent Counsel, stated: "He [Clinton] suspected that a foreign embassy [it is now known that embassy was that of Israel] was tapping his telephones, and he proposed cover stories." Lewinsky continued, "If ever questioned, she should say that the two of them were just friends. If anyone ever asked about their phone sex, she should say that they knew their calls were being monitored all along, and the phone sex was just a put on."
WMR has learned from U.S. intelligence sources that Emanuel was discovered to be part of a political intelligence and blackmail operation directed against Clinton by Israel's Likud Party and Binyamin Netanyahu to sink Clinton's proposed Middle East peace deal. We have also learned that the FBI investigation of Emanuel is part of a file code-named the "Mega file." "Mega" is a reference to a top-level Mossad agent in the Reagan administration who was said to have run a number of Israeli agents, including U.S. Navy spy Jonathan Pollard.
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Another Murdoch WSJ article
WSJ should invert the W to M (for Murdoch)
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Monday, 10 November 2008
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Thursday, 6 November 2008
Black Man given worst job
African-American man Barack Obama, 47, was given the least-desirable job in the entire country Tuesday when he was elected president of the United States of America. In his new high-stress, low-reward position, Obama will be charged with such tasks as completely overhauling the nation's broken-down economy, repairing the crumbling infrastructure, and generally having to please more than 300 million Americans and cater to their every whim on a daily basis. As part of his duties, the black man will have to spend four to eight years cleaning up the messes other people left behind. The job comes with such intense scrutiny and so certain a guarantee of failure that only one other person even bothered applying for it.
Said scholar and activist Mark L. Denton, "It just goes to show you that, in this country, a black man still can't catch a break."
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-- McCain also was reluctant to use Obama's incendiary pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue. He had set firm boundaries: no Jeremiah Wright; no attacking Michelle Obama; no attacking Obama for not serving in the military. McCain balked at an ad using images of children that suggested that Obama might not protect them from terrorism; Schmidt vetoed ads suggesting that Obama was soft on crime (no Willie Hortons); and before word even got to McCain, Schmidt and Salter scuttled a "celebrity" ad of Obama dancing with talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres (the sight of a black man dancing with a lesbian was deemed too provocative).
-- Obama was never inclined to choose Sen. Hillary Clinton as his running mate, not so much because she had been his sometime bitter rival on the campaign trail, but because of her husband. Still, as Hillary's name came up in veep discussions, and Obama's advisers gave all the reasons why she should be kept off the ticket, Obama would stop and ask, "Are we sure?" He needed to be convinced one more time that the Clintons would do more harm than good. McCain, on the other hand, was relieved to face Biden as the veep choice, and not Hillary Clinton, whom the McCain camp had truly feared.
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More Palin gossip
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Wednesday, 5 November 2008
At 6pm UK time, and 1pm ET, please join me for a one minute silence to mourn the departure of George Bush and Palin from the stage, and the death of comedy.
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Who is hotter
For Carla Bruni, reigning queen of First Ladies, the game is finally up. Cindy McCain would have been a push-over; even Sarah Palin she could have coped with, sexy specs or otherwise. But in Michelle Obama, Ms Bruni has truly met her match. This is a First Lady like none before.
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WSJ is now Fox News
Murdoch has murdered it
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Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Fox News defends Obama
Fox News correspondent Major Garrett shot back in defense of Barack Obama against the network's morning show's effort to suggest that he has ignored Fox News throughout the campaign. In an internal email obtained by the Huffington Post, Garrett — who has been Fox News' correspondent following the Obama campaign — took issue with a planned "Fox & Friends" segment about whether Obama will try to control the media, using "KICKED REPORTERS OFF PLANE, IGNORE FNC, BIDEN FL AV INTVIEW" as "examples he's already done."
"May I point out Obama has done 5 interviews with me and one with Chris Wallace, one with Brit Hume and one with Bill O'Reilly," Garrett replied-all to a "Fox & Friends" producer's email. "That's 8 interviews. Would I like more? Yes. Would Chris Wallace? Yes. Would Brit and O'Reilly like more? Of course."
The e-mail, which went to a significant portion of Fox News staff, continued, comparing Obama's eight interviews with Fox News to the five Hillary Clinton gave the network.
"Just a note to add some real numbers and a grain of context," Garrett said. "Apologies if I left out any other big interview of Obama [or] Clinton on our network."
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political humor
Today Barack Obama campaigned in Florida and Virginia. And McCain campaigned in two states: panic and desperation." --David Letterman
"Actually, there is a good chance that we could go to bed tomorrow night and not know who's running the country. Just like it's been for the last eight years." -- Jay Leno
According to recent news reports, Bill Clinton has now become an adviser to Barack Obama. Do you know who is really upset about this? Michelle Obama." --Jay Leno
This weekend at a John McCain rally, Arnold Schwarzenegger said that Barack Obama needs to exercise more because his legs are too skinny. Then he said: `Now behold, the awesome physical specimen that is John McCain!'" --Conan O'Brien.
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Karl Rove's prediction
Other pundits -
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Intrade's realtime election tracking
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Key States and Times
Eastern Time (-5 UK, -10.5 India)
7 p.m.: Georgia, Indiana and Virginia
7:30 p.m.: Ohio and North Carolina
8 p.m: Florida, New Hampshire
9pm: New Mexico
10: Montana, Nevada
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Monday, 3 November 2008
Caption contest - Nancy pelosi
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Nice article
Bill Kristol is the guy Jon Stewart says about "We disagree about everything but he is always welcome on my show". Very winning personality.
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Markets and the party
Among newly elected Republicans, five -- including Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon and George W. Bush -- preceded stock-market declines, with a median retreat of 2.5 percent for all 10, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The data excludes incumbents that won re-election. Overall, the Dow average generated a median 33 percent advance from the time a Democrat is elected in November or elevated from the vice presidency until the next president is chosen. For Republicans, the gain is 17 percent
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Friday, 31 October 2008
Wall Street gives more to Dems
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Palin is a doctor
Palin is actually a very good doctor, because laughter is the best medicine
- Kedar
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Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Dow and the Dems
Since 1900, the Dow Average rose 9.8 percent in the 12 months after the Democratic Party captured the White House, based on the median change following the election of seven Democrats from Woodrow Wilson to Bill Clinton. Only twice did the average decline, after Wilson's victory in 1912 and Jimmy Carter's in 1976.
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Tuesday, 28 October 2008
political pics
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Ugh. No, mom, the market isn’t fixed yet. Yes mom, I’m working on it.
If you all clap, Tinkerbell will live and the market will turn around. You just have to believe!
Jon has begun storing funds from his 401k in his cheeks.
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On Lagarde
WHEN introducing her at a recent event in Washington, DC, the host reminded her audience that Christine Lagarde, France’s finance minister, had once been a member of the French national synchronised-swimming team. Synchronisation, he suggested, was a useful experience in handling the current financial crisis. To which Ms Lagarde added, without missing a beat: “You also have to hold your breath.”
- economist
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Monday, 27 October 2008
Two or three weeks ago, trading in Volkswagen shares turned violent on the German Borse as hedge funds, who'd grown accustomed to selling VW short
against any number of unusual "cross positions," found themselves running for cover as Porsche was rumoured to be making a play for the company. VW shares, trading quietly at or near EUR 200 for weeks, were rising quietly toward EUR 300, when they even more suddenly skyrocketed to EUR 450 in the course of one trading day, catching everyone offsides. Porsche, owning a huge options position in VW, made off handsomely.
Porsche made more money last year from its "options dealing" than it earned from its automobile operations. According to a blurb in The FT last
last year, [Porsche] earned EUR 3.6 billion from option operations.. some three times as much as from cars... profits that will help it buy VW. Porsche used to be the emblem of a go-go City of London trader. Now it has become one.
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Friday, 24 October 2008
Whats the difference between a pigeon and a London Investment Banker?
The difference between a pigeon and a London investment banker is that the pigeon can still make a deposit on a BMW.
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Educational Backgrounds
Educational Background:
Barack Obama:
Columbia University - B.A. Political Science with a Specialization in International Relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude
Joseph Biden:
University of Delaware - B.A. In History and B.A. In Political Science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)
John McCain:
United States Naval Academy - Class rank: 894 of 899
Sarah Palin:
Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna Colle GE - 1 semester
University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. In Journalism
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Thats the way
In Reliance India, 2500 staffers have gone on strike for a higher bonus
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Thursday, 23 October 2008
Paulson & Bernanke
"I feel like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Who are these guys that just keep coming?" -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr.
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Kedar Desai
Commodities – Structured Sales and Origination
Deutsche Bank London
Winchester House, 1 Great Winchester Street, London EC2N 2DB
Ph: +44(0)20 754 70177 Mobile: +44(0)789 420 1415
Yahoo id: kedar.deutsche
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Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Very good - read from the bottom
read from bottom.....if you don't see the pic in the middle, look at the attachment
-----Original Message-----
From: Blunt, Sam []
Sent: 22 October 2008 10:44
To: Andrews, Lewis;; Hutton, Richard; Rob Andrews; Ward, Ben D.
Subject: FW: why you shouldn't befriend work managers on facebook
for all those who feel the need to tell everyone how they are feeling every minute of the fking day on facebook.
Sam Blunt
Enterprise Content Management Practice
From: Kyle Doyle
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:55 a.m.
To: Niresh Regmi
Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
HAHAHA LMAO epic fail
No worries man
Kyle Doyle
Resolutions Expert - Technical
From: Niresh Regmi
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:50 a.m.
To: Kyle Doyle
Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
Hi Kyle,
I believe the proof that you are after is below
Real Time Manager, Workforce Operations
Ground Floor, 30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037
T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329
F: + 61 2 9009 1734
From: Kyle Doyle
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:43 a.m.
To: Niresh Regmi
Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
Hi Niresh,
My leave was due to medical reasons, so you cannot deny leave based on a line manager’s discretion, with no proof, please process leave as requested.
Kyle Doyle
Resolutions Expert - Technical
From: Niresh Regmi
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:39 a.m.
To: Kyle Doyle
Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
Hi Kyle,
Usually that is the case, as per your contract. However please note that leave during these occasions is only granted for genuine medical reasons. You line manager has determined that your leave was not due to medical reasons and as such we cannot grant leave on this occasion.
From: Kyle Doyle
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:38 a.m.
To: Niresh Regmi
Subject: RE: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
1 day leave absences do not require a medical certificate as stated in my contract, provided I have stated that I am on leave for medical reasons.
Kyle Doyle
Resolutions Expert - Technical
From: Niresh Regmi
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2008 9:35 a.m.
To: Kyle Doyle
Subject: Absence on Thursday 21st 2008
Hi Kyle,
Please provide a medical certificate stating a valid reason for your sick leave on Thursday 21st 2008.
Thank You
Real Time Manager, Workforce Operations
Ground Floor, 30 Ross Street, Glebe, NSW, 2037
T: +61 2 9009 1329 Extn:61329
F: + 61 2 9009 1734
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